A Biblical Moment in the History of Israel - 3/10/24

This is The Second War of Independence.
I have told you that right now Israel is fighting for survival, for the right to exist, for the future.
Remember 1948? That was the year of the first War of Independence. What ensued after October 7 is considered by many Israelis to be a kind of second iteration, a watershed event of biblical proportions fid the Jewish state and the Jewish people.
Israel had just become a sovereign state in 1948 and was no longer part of the British ruled Palestinian Mandate. Almost immediately in well planned and coordinated attacks Israel was attacked on all borders by its Arab neighbors.
The first defenders of Israel during this seminal moment became larger than life military heros and then the political leaders of the young nation.
Now IDF leadership and many Israelis see the current situation in a similar light with similar ramifications. In fact, they call it The Second War of Independence. They recognize tremendous talent in the younger IDF soldiers. These soldiers never anticipated a need to physically be engaged in combat and they have proven to be incredibly brave and motivated defenders of Israel and all world Jewry. These soldiers are now the modern day heros. I am filled with optimism when I imagine them moving forward to be leaders in a peaceful future. 
Alon Kloss is the co-chair of our P2G alliance and he is meeting with our partnership here in Chattanooga. I first met Alon last April when we were guests of his wife and him in Hadera, our sister community in Israel. I met him again during my mission trip in January and now, our third time together in Chattanooga. A nicer, simpler, more humble and smarter man you have never met.
Alon and our wonderful generous delightful hostess Randi Weiss on the banks of the Tennessee River
Alon also happens to be an army brigadier general and serves in the reserves. Sam and I met Alon and his extended family in 2023. We spent an evening with Alon and family while in Hadera. He talked about the importance of our connections as Israeli and American Jews. Then in January, Alon surprised us and having driven all the way from the north joined us in our visit to Kibbutz Be’eri. I saw him wipe away tears as we stood in the debris. Amazingly he was able to get a few days off to meet with our partnership groups here in Chattanooga.
Alon recalled moments during the first days of this war, sharing impressions from the first moments of response. He along with thousands of IDF reservist soldiers immediately self activated. The IDF reservists recognized in the first moments thst they were needed. (Remember that on October 7 all Israelis were basically enjoying a series of back to back long weekends during one of our major Jewish holiday season). They jumped in their vehicles and showed up for duty. They were transporting themselves through an unknown landscape. They did not know the extent of the terrorist invasion and no one knew for sure how many fronts were engaged. Logistically there was nothing prepared for the needs thousands and thousands of activated reservists. 
As he drove to the north he reflects that he observed a miraculous sight. Religious people lined the roadway with steaming pots of soup to nourish the soldiers who were in transit. The military did not have supplies ready to cook meals for these soldiers whose service was not anticipated. So citizens stepped up to meet a need. They stepped up before the need could even be articulated. They stepped up with humanity and with spontaneous generosity to provide nourishment for the soldiers. Religious, not religious. The distinctions were irrelevant at that moment. For the strictly observant Jews it was technically still a holiday. There are days when the religious obey laws which separate the holy from regular life. Using electricity, cooking and lighting fires are just a few of the avoided actions.  
In Israel the religious and secular Jewish communities tend to avoid interaction with one another. 
When I traveled in Israel I rarely interacted with the Hareidi. Their self identification through dress sends a strong message to stay apart. But the Hamas attack reminded Israelis that they are connected with all Israelis.  For Alon this was an incredible moment. It was like shining lights of humanity and love during such a dark moment. He recognized that these religious Israelis recognized the gravity of the attacks and that even religious laws must be suspended in moments of life and death 
In the first days of the war Israelis did not have time to consider anything beyond the need to respond. It reminded him of the stories he had heard about Israel in 1948. I the first War for Independence all Jews had to step up and defend Israel. And in unity they saved their nation.
Each time I hear recollections from our Israeli partners I feel enriched with more understanding and appreciation of the power of partnership. 
If you want to read more about the 1948 war this link is excellent.


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