A Message from the Director of P2G

The solidarity mission was highly significant in examining the events of October 7, Israeli society, the steps taken to ensure the security of Israeli citizens, and, of course, the visit to the Hadera-Eiron region. It emphasized the importance of our connections and why we are committed to the partnership.

During the visit, we sadly learned about the loss of an IDF soldier, Nitzan Shesler (21) from Hadera, and the confirmation of the deaths of three captives. 
The group visit, alongside receiving the difficult news, emphasizes how much our lives in Israel are accompanied by a spectrum of strong emotions.

Today, we wake up to heartbreaking news about the fall of 21 more IDF soldiers in the Gaza Strip. One of them is Refael Allias Mushayof (33) from Pardes-Hanna Karkur. 
When you think the news couldn't get any worse, you again realize the reality that we are in a war that seems far from ending. 
Every name of a soldier is an entire world, and when it comes to reserve soldiers who leave behind spouses and children, every story touches the heart deeply.

And all this while 136 captives are still in the hands of Hamas, a fact we are forbidden to forget, not even for a moment!

I need to express how the communities' commitment to the actualization of the mission within a matter of weeks is both moving and personally empowering.
In times of sorrow, the strength of unity becomes even more evident. We stand together, supporting each other, and working towards a better future.

Wishing strength and solidarity to every one of us, as we navigate these challenging times together.

Shimrit Orgal
Hadera-Eiron & Southeast Consortium US
Partnership2Gether Global Network
Connecting the Jewish People Unit


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