The Cosplay Enemy - 2/19/24

Read it and weep. 
Better yet wipe your tears and see the situation clearly for what it is.
The terrorist cowards are playing hide and seek in costume! What creative cosplay they engage in. Or rather, what a destructive game. One day it’s a serial killer on an Israeli highway disguised as a religious Jew. The next day it’s “doctors” (this time truly without borders!) “innocently” carrying out their duties in a Gaza hospital  
The really pathetic thing is the way the world inhales this terror as a sort of balm, an incense for its troubled soul. 
Decades upon decades of Palestinian irredentist terror somehow incongruously disguised as an innocent agent of peace. And an unseeing “civilized” world buys it. But the stink is very foul indeed. 
It’s time to remove the masks, time to out the violent cowards for who they are and what they stand for. And above all this responsibility lies with my elected officials here in the United States. I continue to believe that they (and we) hold the power to set the world right.  
Enough pretense, enough blindness. Enough lying to ourselves about how to bring about peace when there are people who refuse to make peace. 
Evil disguises itself in a million costumes. And not incidentally, IT ACCUSES THE GOOD OF EVIL!
The revolting smell of yesterday’s garbage molders under the sink, disguised as a sweet savor unto the lord of woke. It’s high time to wake up and smell the coffee. 


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