
11 2024

CBS - Study & Sing on Erev Shavuot

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Congregation Beth Shalom
please register online at the website synagogue calendar 1325 S. Belcher Road
Clearwater, FL 33764
7275311418 office@cbsclearwater.org

Contact Zach Rosenzweig
casual dress

Come study with us for Erev Shavuot. Learn about Akdamut (in the Lev Shalem Siddur p. 413, or the blue siddur p. 222), followed by a singing circle of Joey Weisenberg's version of "L'eila" (can be heard on Youtube) to practice devekut (closeness to God). Candle lighting at 8:10pm and fellowship with cheesecake!

Registration is required for this event on the synagogue website at CBS in Clearwater.

Sponsor: Facilitated by Debra Cohen, indie artist/author