We are a small group of people but we put out a lot of light - 2/24/24

Writing this blog  has become an essential part of my daily exercise routine. I am working hard at word smithing. And just like muscle memory, the more I exercise communicating the easier it is to have the right words easily accessible when I need to speak up. Over these weeks I am starting to see a change in myself.  Essential points  are at the tip of my tongue. It is so much easier to stop being silent when one exercises speaking up.
Speaking of exercise…..
Every Sunday, I am walking with my neighbors in nearby Clearwater. We are part of  in an international movement called Run for Their Lives. In over 100 communities people gather to run/walk. We hope in this way we can increase awareness in our communities of the plight of  the hostages Hamas still stubbornly holds in captivity. We hope every week our meetings will no longer be necessary and that the hostages will be released. But until the hostages are freed we will gather and will recite the Jewish prayer for the sick (Mi Sheberach) for their welfare.
As we say each person’s name, we are seeing them clearly as the individuals they are. We use the Jewish  tradition of saying each Hebrew name as well as the name of each person’s mother or father. In Jewish tradition we are not isolated loners our names show our connections to family and community as well as lineage.  We hope that during these interminable days each individual hostage senses the energy and love we are transmitting.
I hope you will join me and others around the world who have not forgotten the fate of the hostages being held by Hamas. 
And let’s remember……little bit of exercise on a regular basis can work wonders.


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