What is Partnership2Gether?

The Israel Partnership Program (Partnership2Gether) is an opportunity for members of the Jewish community of Florida's Gulf Coast to make people-to-people connections with Israelis living in our partnership city of Hadera-Eiron, Israel. We create programs and projects where local Jews and Israelis can learn together, travel together and share common interests in unique platforms. Our programs include Educator Exchanges, Teen Summer Exchange Programs, Young Leadership Programs, Artist Projects, Medical Professional Delegations, Music Programs, Firefighter Exchanges and Running Delegations. We share this sister city with ten other U.S. Southeast communities so we have the opportunity to make connections with both American and Israeli Jews.

How Do We Make A Difference?

Over the past 20 years that we have participated in the Israel Partnership Program, we have made a difference in the lives of all of our participants. Teens and families say they have lifelong friends who have become their family in Israel. We have had runners travel to Israel for a half-marathon and share that they have found a piece of themselves they didn't even know was missing. We have brought Israel to Florida and we have changed the lives of our participants by introducing them to the people of Israel -- not just the country and the sites. We have assisted in building bridges between people in the Gulf Coast of Florida and people of Hadera. Most of all, we have provided the opportunity for true, meaningful and lasting relationships with our brothers and sisters in Israel.  If you would like to get involved with Israel Partnership or want more information about any of our programs, please contact Maxine S. Kaufman at mkaufman@jewishgulfcoast.org.

P2G Hadera-Eiron 2023-2024 Summary

Where is Hadera, Israel?

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